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Statement of Intent

I plan to develop a website for my Bikini Boat Online Swimwear Store Corporate Identity. Due to the development of modern technologies, clients are now viewing and purchasing products online in the form of websites. To address this market shift it is my intention to design a website which effectively promotes the five graphics within my Corporate Identity.



I am required to develop a website that promotes and advertises my Bikini Boat Online Swimwear Store Corporate Identity. The website must contain one homepage and 5 link pages. The links will include; Shop, Labels, Shop Instagram, My Cart, Gift Cards, About, Shipping + Return Information and Contact Us. This will be accessed by people Internationally and will be targeted at female’s aged 13-50years.



I will need to consider the following in the design of my website:

  • Image and text balance

  • Interactivity

  • Animation and effects



All my imagery and banners will be created in Photoshop and Illustrator. I will use Flash to create animations.  I will be restricted by time. All of the photographs included will need to be my own apart from a few store images used from other secondary sources because the lack of time and first hand resources. As this is my minor Product, I will not have as much time to develop the individual features.

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