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For my homepage I firstly used a hero slide show page for a fullscreen background look.
I then tried a vertical menu bar on the left side. I put logo at the top and the menu bellow. For some unknown reason, in preview mode a few of my graphics were going pixelated in particular the menu and text. I fixed this by changing my site settings but it then made my menu enlarge. A few steps further I find a solution.

Concept 1

I then changed the menu to run along the top of the site but this didn't seem practical with the photos sliding behind it. 
Here I stared adding drop downs to the menu and changing its fonts and colour settings. 
I moved the menu to the bottom to revile more of the photos.
Here I wanted to try something different away from the traditional menu look by putting the logo in a circle in the centre of the page.
I then added the menu under neath it in white as it didn't clash with the images at all.
I liked the idea of having an opening page which can take you one of two ways. Therefor I began to create this opening page using the palm photo as the background hero image. I added the white strip down the bottom. I then also added the two options underneath the logo.
I then added more text and made the white strip transparent which looks much more professional.
Here I decreased the contrast of the background which gives it more of a opening page look.
I then enlarged the logo and white strip to fill most of the page which makes it focus more on the content.

Concept 2

Concept 3

For this home page design I went for the simple plain white background look up top with the logo featuring in the middle with the menu underneath it. 
Here I added the drop downs to the menu 
I then edited the drop downs font and colours to make it look much more professional. 
Here I added the Funkita flash banner on the right and a photo slide show on the left. Below I explain the flash animation process.
To create this animation I used Adobe Animate. I firstly edited the same photo in Photoshop 5 times in different black and white styles. I then drew the funkita logo illustrator and loaded it all into Animate. I then places the photos on one layer on separate black key frames. I then placed the logo on another layer. I altered the settings to do with time and exported it.
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