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The brief required me to design a website for My Bikini Boat Corporate Identity which has the target audience of women aged 13 – 45 years. The website included a Home page, three other menu links as well as five more additional links. The business has been created based around a tropical ocean theme therefor displays navy throughout the site.

I began by investigating a range of successful swimwear sites that I am attracted to as well as looking a different layouts and ideas. I then worked through the Design Process by developing a few of my own ideas on Adobe Muse which I would be creating my site on.

This led to me having difficulties with resolution and pixilation on my Muse application that I eventually fixed but with sacrifice of some minor details within my site.


I merged my ideas in my refinement, creating the best possible outcome for my site. This meant creating an opening page as well a master page and homepage. I used my own imagery and photography on my site as well as continuously using the same range of fonts in each page.  I also used my logo throughout my entire site as well as the same colour palate. I created two Adobe Animate animations for my site as well as adding a live stream Instagram widget that required much patience.


If I had more time to develop the website, I would put try and use more buttons and widgets. Throughout the Design Process to create my website I have learnt how to use and download widget more effectively and also work with Adobe Muse overall. I can now confidently produce my own functional website of my own.

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