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Home Pages

The way they have set out their designers menu tab is really a smart idea. They have sectioned the designers by putting them under a letter category.
Bikini Bird is a similar online store where you can look as 'designers' of swimwear. I love this home page because it is simple and seems easy to operate. I like the plain white up the top with just the logo and the menu.
The only thing that I believe looks nice about this home page is the full screen background. I think the choices of fonts and the colours look horrible, boring and not practical. This is because for example the menu becomes hard to ready when it enters the plants.
I love Rhythm's home page because the top is similar to bikini birds being simple up the top. They also have on opening feature where you first enter the site you are ask to be taken 1 of 2 different ways before actually entering the store. 
Im not a fan of this web design layout as it isn't eye catching and doesn't make me what to continue shopping. I believe this is because I am seeing three of what if feels like the same picture right next to each other and the colours are boring. I also don't like the layout of where the logo and menu is.
This logo and menu layout makes me feel like I want to leave this site but what intrigues me is the layout, colours and look about the home page photo icons! I love that each of these photos are covered in creative text which takes you to places on the site. 
This is another example of the home page photo icons for the City Beach website. I love this look as well as it is bright and colourful and makes me want to click on it to see further. I also this the long skinny banner in the centre of the page.

Shop Instagram

'Shop Instagram' pages have become the new craze to popular up to date online stores. It's a page where the instagram feed of the store features on a page of their website. This is popular because if a customer has see something they like of the instagram site it makes it easier for the customer to find it of the website and buy it. 
This Instashop page is a bit full on as it is fullscreen, I think it looks nicer with the spread of the above page.

Shopping Cart

The Shopping Cart is where the items chosen are stored ready to be purchased. This is a good layout for the shopping cart featuring the essentials such as product, price, qty and total. 

View Item

The layout of the viewing item pages are important because it decides if the customer whats if or not. This is similar to picking an item up in a store, if it doesn't look good there they wont walk away with it. This view item page is set out nicely with a size picker, colour picker, slide show of the product and add to cart button.
I really like this view item page as I believe it clearly shows the product and the options well. The title of the product and price is clear and it's easy to understand the colour and size options.The only thing I don't like is the 'View Bag' option as its not clear wether it's adding the item to the bag or not.
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