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Statement of Intent:

I intend to create a corporate identity for an online swimwear store that targets women between the ages of 13 to 50. This corporate identity will involve me designing a logo for my business, a purchase postcard that gets sent off with each online purchase, a postage bag and interior packaging for the product to be sent in and an Instagram page for my business. I will also be doing my own photography that will feature on all of my graphics including my mirror website.


Functional Outcomes:

To create my five graphics I will be using a range of equipment including Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, a digital SLR camera as well as my iPhone camera, the Adobe Capture application and an image scanner. I will be using these tools for purposes such as taking photos, creating graphics, vectors and text.



I will be considering my target audience at all times throughout designing corporate identity by using an appropriate colour palate and by using the appropriate language tone. Another consideration is keeping the same colour palate throughout each graphic to make sure everything flows together. I will also consider the demand for high quality images and graphics by using large files to avoid any type of pixilation.



A major constraint is time as there is a small amount of time given to complete this task but I still want to make sure everything is done properly and to the best standard possible. Working with large photography files is also a constraint on time, as it will take extra time to work with. Another constraint is doing swimwear modeling in the middle of winter with a limited amount of suitable backdrops. I will also only have a limited amount of access to swimwear so I may have to use some other online sources if needed. Within the swimwear I will have access to, I have rules to abide by such as not removing tags and keeping clean. This means I will have to hide these tags while photo shooting as well as not letting the swimwear be swum in.  


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