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Logo Development...

I first drew a navy circle using the shape tool in Adobe Illustrator. 

I then traced the anchor in my research using the pen tool and using the circle tool I drew a white circle for the hoop. 

I put the anchor on the circle and reversed its colours. I also put taxt either side of the anchor using the ________ font. I like this logo but it was very easy and plain to look at. 

I made this by using the logo I previouly made but with out the text. I then used the _______ font as it seem very classy next to it. I like that it looks very suffisticated but the letter seem quite bunched up. 

I used this picture of a saftey ring and opend it in illustator.

I traced the saftey ring using the pen tool and put the text in the middle using the ______ font which I dont really like.

I changed the font to two seporate fonts which I really like together as one is thin but the other if bold which I believe comliment eachother.

I then changed the colour of the ring to the same navy colour as the text. I think this flows alot nicer and is easyer to look at.

I traced the other stick figure looking anchor form my researh that I liked using the pen tool. 

using the pen tool I filled in the bottom of the anchor to look like a boat, as he name of the store after all is 'bikini boat'. I then put white text in the boat with another anchor. I dont like the extra anchor as well as the text in the boat.

I moved the text out of the boat and placed it either side of the anchor and added little seed looking shapes to the boat making it look like watermelon also. I believe the font is making it look a little boring.

I changed the font of the text to _______ which I like a lot more being more bold. Although it could do with more of a outer shape showing more balence such as a border. 

Here ive use two different fonts one bold and one thin to compliment each other. I like the last word being smaller but I needs some more detail.

I put two thin lines either side of the text which looks alot better but it could do with a little more detail.

Here I have created a photo of crincled paper to create a brush. I selected a colour slightly lighter then the navy of the text and covered the entire text in the brush but it look too much to me.

I then tried somthing similar to the previous step but with a cloudy watercolur picture and covered the text in the brush which looks alot nicer.

Using another bold and thin text comlination i put these two word together as well as using the pen tool to create a thick unsymetrical line and duplicated it three time and reflecting the middle two. I like this but it looks like somthing seen before.

I deleted the middle two lines and replaced then with two L shaped lines that link which looks more unique.

I found this font really fasinating and since realising that triangles are a very contemporary object these days I drew one to place in between the text. I find this too boring with the text along side eachother.

I put the text under nither eachother and placed the triangle in the middle of the O which I think looks a lot more effective.

I opened this water colour circle in Photoshop

By using define brush preset I made it into a brush

I selected a nice gray blue colour and used the brush

Using the anchor made previously, I placed it on the circle and made the ring colour gray to blend with the circle.

Using this classy font I put the ansissuals of the store either side of the ancher but it looks to hard to understand.

Using the same colour of the cicle I coloured the text with the gray and wrote the full name and placed it underneith the cicle which I like alot more but the text looks not spaced out enough.

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