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Post Card Refinement...

To refine this post card I changed the colour of the title and hashtag to a navy blue. For the back I recoloured the 'xx' to a lighter grey.

Next I removed the drop shadow from the title and the hashtag because it was too dark and It looks better without it. For the back I then removed the 'www.' to make it look more simple and professional.

For this design I recoloured the title an hashtag into a light blue colour because I thinks it's a nice colour that goes with the image. I also coloured the social icons and middle paragraph into a navy blue to go with the logo. For the back, I also removed the 'www.'. 

I then changed the light blue into a duller colour. (to match the below design I would like to pair it with)

To refine this design I removed the masking to make it all mono tone as it suits the image better. Here I also made the rectangle less transparent.  For the back, I removed the logo reflection and lake shape and made the entire background a gradient of white and light blue which looks much better. It almost looks like the water it steamy.I also shortened the length of the bottom palms more.

Here I recoloured the rectangle to black to make the white writing stand out more. For the back I changed the water colour a bit greener. 

To refine this postcard I made two extra transparent white circles to go behind the caption. I also re did the top decoration above the caption which looks much better and balanced.

I then removed the website from the back and moved it to the front and but I on the right side going vertical. Its hard to see in the top corner because it's white. I also made the navy blue on the back darker.

Lastly I put a white transparent rectangle behind the website and also made it's font navy. I also removed the 'www' from the url. 

To refine this design I changed the font of the middle paragraph to something more bold. For the back, I enlarged the centre circle and logo.

I then changed the colour of the background to a more orange colour to suit the colour of the font more. On the back I removed the circle and replaced it with a transparent rectangle. 

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