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App Development & Refinement..

To begin my app I created a home page and my shop page. I then placed my logo in the top centre and 3 buttons bellow which I got from the UI KIT. I added graphics that I had ready to go for my website  and text that featured on my website. I the began to design my shop page by placing the logo in the top left corner as well as the menu icon. I also started placing the item icons from my website onto this page.

To refine this design I removed the menu button as there was no need for it and moved the cart button over to the left. I also removed the third menu option as I didn't have enough time to complete it.

Here is my Label tab option where the user of the app can view the different brand our site holds.

I completed adding the shopping icons to my shop page. They are all the same size and I allowed for the page to be able to scroll down.

These two pages were as simple as coping what I had on my website and applying it to the pages at a different size 

To make this page look professional I screenshot the same page on my website because it's widget was great. I placed it on this page.

I also did the same for this page using the screenshot tool and placing it on this page.

The last thing to do for my app was to use the prototype and link all of the graphics to the right pages. After I did this I use the programs mobile application to view the app and make sure it worked.

This is a photo of my app in action using the Adobe XD mobile application. I used this to explore may app and make sure it worked effectively. 

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