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E1 Evaluation of product success against design brief requirements:

My brief for my Swimwear Corporate Identity required me to investigate, plan and create for each of my six graphics. The graphics I created was a logo, photography folio, purchase postcard, packaging including a postage bag and wrapping paper, an Instagram account and a mobile application. My aim for this entire project was to design an online swimwear store with the ‘whole package’ that targets women between the ages of 13 – 45 years. I have achieved this by using trending ideas and colour combinations as well as doing thorough research in the swimwear and online shopping area.


E2 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the product or system realisation process:

Throughout the entire Design Process I looked at many different possibilities and what I liked best as a customer. My investigating for my entire folio consisted in me exploring different technology and methods as well as the common themes between successful online stores. Throughout my Development I continuously experimented with different designs and layouts to ensure the best for all of my final products. One thing I made sure of was that all my graphics followed the same theme and easily link to each other. An example of this was using the same navy colour as well as using the same range of fonts. The logo being the face of my Corporate Identity needs to reflect the business purpose being swimwear. I achieved this by using colours relevant to the swimwear theme and using elegant and appropriate text and shapes. My entire folio apart from my logo incorporated my own photography, which made it easier to continue the same theme throughout every graphic. The photography also prepared me for my minor website. 


E3 Reflection on materials, ideas or procedures with recommendations:

The biggest restriction throughout creating my Corporate Identity was time. I found it extremely time consuming trying investigate, plan and create all of the graphics I did to an outstanding standard. Using a Wix site to present my work also very time consuming in because not only did it take time to create the site but to also load of all imagery onto it. Throughout my folio I used a very large range of different programs and technology’s to take photos, create shapes, create text, create imagery, manipulate imagery, create effective marketing interfaces such as the app and Instagram page and more. This includes Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Capture mobile application, Adobe Experience Design, Adobe XD mobile application, Instagram, Wix, a digital SLR Camera and an iPhone.  Though using these technologies I believe I have created a very high quality Corporate Identity package looking at processes used in the contemporary world today. Through out the development and refinement design processes I continually put myself in a potential customers point of view and thought about what the target audience is really seeking for in new and upcoming business. I would recommend narrowing down the amount of photos to go through the refinement process as I took me a very long time to go through each photo. I also recommend reducing the file size of the images before placing a Wix site, as this was one of the most time consuming elements that was caused by loading such large files.


E4 Analysis of the impact of the product or system on individuals, society and/or the environment:

Through work on this Corporate Identity package I have gained a lot of positive aspects which has positively impacted me as an individual. Not only have I learnt so many new ways of creating graphic but I have also learnt that this is such a great experience to take on in the real world. I would now have the confidence to work in this field professionally as I feel that I have learnt so much in this area from working though this project. Some of my imagery may have a negative impact on society as it has been digitally enhanced, however the body shape of the model has not been changed. I can now successfully and effectively use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and, Capture and Experience Design to create imagery, text, image manipulation and design mobile applications from scratch. I have created a high quality online business store simulation by creating my own graphics and imagery for the entire Corporate Identity to a high standard.


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