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Social Media Development + Refinement...

Account 1



Account 2


Account 1

For this comment I believe looks well organised. I like the emoji separating the sentence and the caps at the beginning. 

I then tagged the brand name in the photo for reference so that views can look deeper into the product.

Here I fixed some spelling mistakes as well as adding a few more hashtags. I also spaced out the paragraph.

For my first account's bio simply wrote what first come to head. I I need more capitals in this bio. I also need to work the first sentence better

For this comment I believe it would look better if it were more spaced out by entering down some sentences.

Here I entered down from 'not to mention' and 'link in bio'. this looks much more professional.

I then tried using a small emoji to define spaces between sentences which looks even better.

For this comment I had written that this item was on sale. Because I had tagged the brand name in the photo they asked me to remove the sale price as it is their rules.

Here I removed the sale price and re-phrased the sentence. I really like the caps at the start.

Here I simply added a hashtag which makes the caption look nice and professional. 


Account 2

This caption is nice but a bit to short and simple.

Here I added an extra sentence as well as some emojis which looks much better.

This caption id okay but very basic. Needs some more colour.

Here I added two emojis which really help the caption but could dow with a hashtag.

I then simply added two hashtags next too the emoji's

This comment is also very simple and needs a little more to it.

I then added a short extra phrase onto it and some dots.

Here I added two hashtags below the caption which looks much better.

Account 1

Photo arrangement 

For the photo arrangement for my first account I choose some of my favourite photos and went from there. Here I firstly removed the bottom right photo as I believe it clashed with the white next to it. 

After removing ht bottom right photo I added another photo. I think the bottom middle photo clashes with the photo next to it because of the contrast settings. I also don't like the left second from the bottom photo there as it doest suit the colours around it. 

Here I removed the photos I didn't agree with and added two more that would suit the colour tone of the collage. 

Photo arrangement 

Account 2

I love this page as it is so much brighter. Although I don't like the two decrease contrast photos together again. 

Here I removed the two photos I didn't like together and rearranged the top of the collage to get the colour pattern right.

I then changed the top two photo around to get some more blue in the collage to even it out.

Here I changed the heading to all capitals and re-phrased the top sentence. I added more caps and also an emoji.

I then added the slashes under the title which I like as it separates the coming bio. I also added dot points to the three main points. I removed a hashtag from next to the camera also. 

For my second account I used slashes as markers before each main point and one emoji which I don't like. 

I then gave a space between the slash and the sentence. I changed the emoji.

Here I added a 'quirky saying' to the bottom which I think works well. I also re-phrased the top sentence.

COMbined Accounts

Single account refinement

Here I combined what I liked about both collages together to get the best out come possible. 

For the bio I also combined what I liked most about each bio most and added some extras. Here I changed the red heart to a blue heart.

Finally I changed the dot points too crosses and the quote into caps. I also put the 'www' in front of my url after looking through my investigating again.

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