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Packaging Investigating...

This packaging belongs to Pura Vida who has designed a bag for it bracelets to go in. I love the idea of storing the product in a small printed on hessian bag. This shows a little more effort then just packing it away loose or in a plastic bag in the postage bag.

This postage bag is simple and nicer then just having the standard postage bag. This is personalised with the stores name and slogan on it. Although this bag does look very thin and not very safe.

This postage bag seems very strong and classy. They have filled one whole side with their logo and website and the other side is smaller logos put together to make a pattern. The postage bag is completely monotone.

I received thing packaging with my prom dress. This is a cotton handmade bag with a clip button that held the dress folded up in it. This was something completely different to everything I have seen before. This was relevant to the product as it was a handmade dress therefor this bag was also handmade just for my dress.

This product has brown paper wrapping with a sticker of its logo holding it together. I really like this idea as it almost seems like a present because its wrapped up like one. This makes it extra special receiving this in the post. I would prefer the wrapping to cover the entire product. I love the brown paper too.

This is another example of the hessian bag. I found this really fascinating with the triangle prints on the bag. This makes for a very washed out look. You could have bigger versions of these types of bags for clothing.

This packaging looks very strong and sturdy being a cardboard box. As well as being strong, the design of the box reflects its product of laptop cases. Having the strong packaging says to me that the product is also a strong sturdy product. 

This postage bag belongs to Pura Vida which I received with my bracelets. This bag is simple because it has only used two colours but its also very creative in how its used text. Being a tropical beach brandname a pineapple suits its theme well and then to use words relevant to the brand inn the shape of a pineapple is really quirky.  

This packaging belongs to BaliBody. They have used a box and wrapping paper to package their product which I think looks amazing. They have also used their logo as a sticker to hold the wrapping paper together. I LOVE the print on the wrapping paper, so simple but interesting! I'd love to do something like this.

This packaging belongs to Triangl for their bikinis. They have used a box to package their swimwear as it prevents the bikinis from getting ruined by getting squished in postage in a bag. They only use boxes for particular swimwear such as the tops with cups because they wont look as they did in the image if squashed. 

This packaging is similar to the BaliBody having a box as well as wrapping paper. To hold this wrapping paper together they have used a melt stamp looking sticker with their logo on it which looks very professional and classy. 

This postage bag belongs to HiSmlie. When I received this package, it seemed a little damaged because of the thinness of the bag. As for the design, I do like the layout. I like the pattern background and then the box for the information. The sentence on the end of the seal is cool also.

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