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Images Investigating...

This is a very popular type of image seen regularly of social media. A few selected items are placed of a surface and laid out effectively. I love this look and I makes it very easy to showcase a range of items that all work well together.  

I love this way of showcasing a range of bracelets or watches of whatever it may be. The angle of this image is as if it is from the eyes of the person wearing it. Having the bright colourful background slightly washed out and blurry gives to look of a relaxed beach goer which is the target audience.

This is advertising the swimwear that the women in the photo is wearing. I fell in love with this image the first time I saw it as it makes me feel relaxed, calm and wanting to be the women standing there which would be the purpose of for image. 

I like the images of the model posing around the house/building because gives a relaxing feel. Getting the model to walk up stairs is a great way to showcase the back of the bikinis as it give good definition to the models bottom and legs which make the customers think they might look like this if they were to wear that.

I love this look of posing against a green lushes background. I gives a tropical look and tranquil feel. I believe it enhances the tanned skin of the model also.

Laying the swimwear out on a surface give the viewer a clear understanding of what the swimwear really looks like. Placing it on a white or wooden surface makes the swimwear look clean and fresh.

I love the idea of taking a good photo of the postcards that get sent out with a purchase. Photos like these are great for instagram pages to breakup other photos of the actual product. 

This types of images are also great for instagram pages to breakup the swimwear photos. I like the idea of using fruit as it is tropical and a healthy snack which promotes good eating which is appropriate when wearing bikinis. 

This kind of back drop is plan and simple yet isn't too busy too look at. This gives a good view of the full body of the model.

This is another great example of capturing the wrist full of bracelets and watches. I love the green tropical backdrop which contrasts well with the colour of the jewellery as well the tanned coloured skin.

I love this angle! This image has great colour and is pleasing to look at. The angle of this picture in like a birds eye view. The colours in this image look slightly enhanced but not overdone. 

This is another laid out image where these items have been laid out nicely to give a good understanding of look of the swimwear. Having the bracelets sitting next to the bikinis looks perfect giving ideas of what would go with this pair of bikinis.

I love this bright textured wall the model is standing in front of. The palm makes this image bring a fresh colour and a sense of the tropics.

This image is very effective in how it showcases the bikinis as well as the model. It also puts a scene in our heads with the tropical trail she is walking along. I can tell that a flash has been used to take this photo as the background is quite dark and her body is nice and lit up.

This photo brings out the beauty in this model as she is the centre of the photo. The sun behind her is lighting up her hair and making her skin glow which make the bikinis look great on her. The sun is also lighting up the greenery which makes the whole image glow. If the photo was take the other way around the sun would be too bright in her face and make her look pail and hard to see.

I love the use of the doors giving homey feel as well as showing different perspectives. The shows a good side angle of the model leaning up against the door frame looking comfortable. 

I like the look of the model sitting down as it looks natural and not as posed as other photos. I also love the splash of the water captured at the right time

Black and white looks great in a tropical setting with palm trees and a relaxed tanned model. Her hair brushed to the side looks natural and comfortable for her and make the swimwear also look comfortable.

This image looks like it was taken through a glass window or door which gives an amazing effect from the reflections from the other side as well as the glair coming off the window also.

This type of images is taken in purpose of showing off the swimwear and how it fits to a views that may be interested in purchasing. Usually there will be options to view the front, side and back of the bikinis. These types of photos are best taken from the upper/centre of the body.


The basic principle behind the rule of thirds is to imagine breaking an image down into thirds (both horizontally and vertically) so that you have 9 parts. The rule of thirds is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points. This rule applies the basis for well balanced and interesting shot.


The golden ratio is an advanced mathematical equation that divides a object or image into certain parts as seen in the image below.  In nature we see the golden ratio in plants and the branching of trees, the spirals of shells, the curves of waves, in our DNA and the solar system. It has also been used in architecture, art, photography and music. It seems that the human eye is very attracted to the results of the ratio. This being said using this ratio can change how effective a photo looks.

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